Climate Front Line producer speaks about need for a new narrative

Host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Alfredo Gonzalez Valenzuela an environmental scientist and host of Climate Front Line, how it is not enough to understand the science, it is necessary to have a relational connection to nature, and to peoples most impacted by exploitative processes of development. To understand each other as equals and to change the narrative of the real impacts of climate change and global development.

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Plain Radical, Living, Loving and learning to leave the Planet Gracefully

Art of Living host Sylvia Richardson speaks with Robert Jensen on his book Plain Radical, Living, Loving and learning to leave the Planet Gracefully. It’s hard to have hope…What will you tell the generations that come after you’re gone? The young ask the old to hope….what will you tell them? Tell them at least what you say to yourself. Tell them we lived in a world face with many challenges and also amazing opportunities to create a new path grounded in local focus, fierce intelligence and deep connection with one another.

Tell them the path is made by walking, by engaging with open hearted-ness and wide-awakeness that provide for a meaningful and radical engagement with the world.